My Life as a Senior High School Student

by Cheyeanne Cachuela


Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always been expected to accomplish great things. As I grew up, I learn new things from everybody. As I go to school, things didn’t quite get any better for me; I started having a problems with my grades and getting into some sorts of trouble. As the years passed, every grading is changing and once more, the path of my future is changing also. But my grades and I, as a person, matured and grew.

Senior high school is just my stepping stone to reach my goals in life. Let me tell you that being a student in today’s society is not always easy, you have to gain more energy to do your tasks as a senior high school student. Living the life of the teenager, my mind became more focused and felt obligated to do my best in school. As I stepped on as a senior high school, more opportunities were brought to light and I felt that it was an advantage to me because this is still the school where I graduated as a junior high school student. All school activities require you to uphold your grade point average to high standards, along with the expectations that you dedicated any extra time to it. So now you have school in the mornings and then responsibilities needing to be taken care of at home, plus the assignments or requirements that is needed to be passed in the next morning, well that is senior high school life, so stressful. But you still hope to have a life outside the school as well. In my senior high school journey, I learn new things and still I’m learning. O learn to face many challenges in school and have some social interaction to anybody. I also met new friends and new teachers but being a senior high school student you’ll never out of the stress that is coming every sem or grading period. Some students calls the examination days as “hell days” but that’s very natural to students, you need to review and do your best to passed the exam. My friends always tells me to enjoy my life and then it hits me, I have to focused on my future and my career so that I will allow myself to have a contributio to society and enjoy who and what I become.
But as I stepped on as a senior high school student, I realized that life is too short to actualize all your responsibilities in life and by that, I should focus on one thing I was passionate about and worth to spend my life doing it.

I would like to share a qoute from Colin Powell, “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hardworking, learning from failure” So yes, I’m trying to do learning while I’m wearing my armor which is my faith and knowing that in God’s perfect plan, we will become a successful achievers on our own fields.

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